


Why choose Us?

Beginning with God

Beginning with God is a one-year program introducing students with little prior knowledge of the Bible to the God of all creation, the people in his unfolding plan and his Son, Jesus.

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Scope and sequence

Years 1-6

Why choose Us?


Connect is a three-year program designed to help primary age students develop the skills to explore the nature and context of the Christian faith and triune God as presented in the Bible.

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Scope and sequence: A cycle / B cycle / C cycle

Years 5-6

Why choose Us?

Big Questions

Big Questions is a one-year program for students in their last year of primary school who are ready to explore some big issues, share their own opinions and investigate the Bible for themselves.

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Scope and sequence

Curriculum stance

Educational approach

Our understanding of how children and adolescents learn has been enriched in the last 40 years by research into human intellectual, emotional and moral development.

CEP curriculum aims to draw on current research on the way students think and learn and apply these principles into the realm of how we teach children about God. Each curriculum is designed to cater for different learning stages, with language, content and activities written with the needs of each child in mind.

In each curriculum, importance is placed on:

  • teaching concepts in a way that is appropriate for the age and developmental stage of the students.
  • relating all that is taught to their experience.
  • providing discussion and activities that encourage students to reprocess information and make it their own.

CEP uses a range of teaching and learning strategies to engage the intellectual strengths and preferred learning styles of your child.

Click the links below to view specific research applied in the writing and development of CEP curriculum:

5 Circles of Learning Gardner Theory
of different kinds of intelligences
Learning Theory
undergirding Connect

Education Outcomes

The CEP curriculum seeks to broaden each student’s education by helping them develop their understanding and knowledge of biblical principles, to build skills which will enhance their overall learning ability and to form an understanding of values and attitudes of faith, culture and the world today.

Below is an overview of the Christian Education Outcomes for all three learning stages.

Knowledge and Understanding
  • God our Father
  • Jesus Christ
  • Ourselves and others
  • The world and living things
  • Sources of knowledge about God
    (from the Bible, from nature and from human experience)
  • Investigation
  • Communication
  • Participation
  • Application



Values and Attitudes
  • Trusting God through faith in Christ (God and us)
  • Culture and the world
  • Social justice
  • Stewardship and ecology
  • Learning

Click the links below to view specific outcomes for each of the 3 stages 

Stage 1
(Years K-2)
Stage 2
(Years 3-4)
Stage 3
(Years 5-6)